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How do I check whether a checkbox is checked in jQuery?

I need to check the checked property of a checkbox and perform an action based on the checked property using jQuery.

For example, if the age checkbox is checked, then I need to show a textbox to enter age, else hide the textbox.

But the following code returns false by default:

if ($('#isAgeSelected').attr('checked')) {
} else {
<script src="(ajaxgoogleapilink)"></script>
<input type="checkbox" id="isAgeSelected"/>
<div id="txtAge" style="display:none">
Age is selected

How do I successfully query the checked property?

3 Answers

Use jQuery's is() function:
$("#txtAge").show(); // checked
$("#txtAge").hide(); // unchecked
This worked for me:

$get("isAgeSelected ").checked == true

Where isAgeSelected is the id of the control.

var active = $('#modal-check-visible').prop("checked") ? 1 : 0 ;

If checked, it'll return 1; otherwise, it'll return 0

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