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Decoding the UK's NHS Test and Trace QR codes

The lastest rollout is for QR codes to display at the point of sale. To obtain one, you create an account detailing the operator name, name of establishment, phone number and email address, you are then issued a QR code.

Being concerned about data security I am attempting to discover why the QR code I must display for persons using my cafe to "log in" with is 343 bytes long.

The QR code reads as follows:


There are a number of repeating sequences in the code such as eyJ and pZCI6Il which (I think) rules out the possibility that this is proper encryption.

My concern is that I am publicly displaying a lot of information, whereas it seems to me that a simply signature (like UKC19TRACING) plus a key into a database would be sufficient for any rational way of implementing contact tracing.

So I have fired off a Freedom of Information request to the relevant government department (the UK Department of Health and Social care), but in the meantime, I thought that greater experts than I might like to have a go at decrypting this.

2 Answers

As Topaco notes, the part after the UKC19TRACING:1: is a JWT. You can decode it at as the following:


"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "YrqeLTq8z-ofH5nzlaSGnYRfB9bu9yPlWYU_2b6qXOQ"

This tells you how it's signed, and the identifier of the key that signed it.


"id": "V5VWX39R",
"opn": "Pipley Barn Café",
"adr": "Pipley Barn\nBrockham End\nLansdown",
"pc": "BA19BZ",
"vt": "008"

This is the signed payload. This isn't encrypted (and isn't meant to be). It's just b64-encoded and signed, along with the header.

You're correct that this could be implemented by a large database and a sparse identifier. The point of a JWT is that you don't need the database (and more importantly, don't need a mechanism for performing a database lookup). Because the data is signed, you can trust this payload was generated by an entity with access to the signing key. To validate this signature, you need the public key (generally as a JWK) for the given kid.
As per the Topaco notes, the part just after the UKC19TRACING:1:* is a *JWT. This is a QR code. You can easily decode it using the following code-
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "YrqeLTq8z-ofH5nzlaSGnYRfB9bu9yPlWYU_2b6qXOQ"

This lets us know how it is signed and also the identifier of the key that has signed it.
For Payload-
"id": "V5VWX39R",
"opn": "Pipley Barn Café",
"adr": "Pipley Barn\nBrockham End\nLansdown",
"pc": "BA19BZ",
"vt": "008"

This is the signed payload. This is not encrypted. It is b64-encoded and signed with the header.

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