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Crontab error: no crontab For [user]

I'm seeing an error every time I do the command below. Why?
$crontab -l
no crontab for server

This issue comes about because the script in crontab doesn't work, so I've tried to break down the problem. This is what I have put in using crontab -e:
crontab -e
@reboot /usr/bin/teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64/

I press ctrl + o and save it, reboot and find the script doesn't boot (even though the script itself does work if I double click it from the GUI). If I do a crontab -l after the reboot, I find I get the same error as above. Even before the reboot, if I try and open the crontab -e just after I saved this command inside of the file, the line of code isn't there.

1 Answer

That's probably because this user does not have a crontab, yet. You can create a crontab for this user by calling:
crontab -e

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