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Check if an array is empty or exists

The problem is that image_array in the else fires all time. If an array exists - it just overrides it, but alert doesn't work.

if(image_array.length > 0)
$('#images').append('<img src="'+image_array[image_array.length-1]+'" class="images" id="1" />');
$('#prev_image').attr('disabled', 'true');
$('#next_image').attr('disabled', 'true');
alert('Please get new image');
var image_array = [];

UPDATE Before loading html, I have something like this:

<?php if(count($images) != 0): ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php echo "image_array = ".json_encode($images);?>
<?php endif; ?>

3 Answers


if (typeof image_array !== 'undefined' && image_array.length > 0) {
// the array is defined and has at least one element

Your problem may be happening due to a mix of implicit global variables and variable hoisting. Make sure you use var whenever declaring a variable:

<?php echo "var image_array = ".json_encode($images);?>
// add var ^^^ here

And then make sure you never accidently redeclare that variable later:

else {
image_array = []; // no var here
How about (ECMA 5.1):

if(Array.isArray(image_array) && image_array.length){
// array exists and is not empty
As optional chaining proposal reached stage 4 and is getting wider support, there is a very elegant way to do this


// image_array is defined and has at least one element


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