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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style and layout web pages. It defines how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media. CSS controls the visual and aural presentation of web content, such as fonts, colors, spacing, positioning, and animations. By separating content (HTML) from presentation (CSS), CSS makes it easier to maintain and design large web projects.

CSS plays a critical role in web development as it determines the look and feel of web pages, making websites visually appealing and user-friendly.

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Why Use CSS?

  • Separation of Content and Style: With HTML responsible for structure and content, CSS focuses solely on styling, allowing for cleaner and more maintainable code.

  • Consistency Across Pages: CSS allows you to style multiple pages with a single stylesheet, ensuring consistency across your website.

  • Responsive Design: CSS enables the creation of layouts that adapt to different screen sizes, making websites responsive for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

  • Faster Page Loading: Using external CSS files reduces code duplication, enabling faster page load times.

  • Accessibility: CSS helps improve web accessibility by providing design options tailored to specific needs, such as screen readers and other assistive devices.

ersions of CSS

CSS has evolved significantly since its introduction, with each new version adding more features and capabilities:

  1. CSS1 (1996): The first official release of CSS, providing basic styling features like fonts, colors, and margins.

  2. CSS2 (1998): Introduced advanced features such as positioning, media types, and the concept of the box model.

  3. CSS3 (1999): CSS3 was a major update and introduced modularization, breaking CSS into different modules, each responsible for specific functionality (e.g., selectors, backgrounds, animations). New features included transitions, flexbox, and grid layout.

  4. CSS4 (In Progress): While there’s no official “CSS4,” current CSS specifications continue to evolve, adding new modules and features. These updates are often grouped under the umbrella term CSS4, though CSS is now developed incrementally.