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Structures in C Language

This Test will cover Structure in C Langauge, including declaraction and initialization of structure, typedef, union etc.
Q. Which keyword is used to define a new structure?
Q. Which of the following is not true about a structure?
Q. __________ is a keyword used in C language to assign alternative names to existing types?

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Q. What will be the output of following code?
    struct student 
        char name[20];
        int roll;
    struct student s1 = { "adam", 101 };
    struct student s2 = s1;
Q. What will be the output of the program?
struct course
    int courseno;
    char coursename[25];
int main()
    struct course c[] = { {102, "C"}, 
                          {103, "C++"}, 
                          {104, "Java"}     
    printf("%d ", c[1].courseno);
    printf("%s\n", (*(c+2)).coursename);
    return 0;
Q. Point out the error in the code?
struct Student
    char[20] name;
    int rollno;
    struct Student s2;  
Q The .(dot) operator can be used to access structure elements using a structure variable. True or False?

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Q. The size of a union is equal to __________?
Q. What will be the output of following code?
    union std
        int x;
        int y;
    union std s1;
    s1.x =10;
    s1.y =20;
    printf("%d %d\n",s1.x, s1.y);
    return 0;
Q Is it necessary that the size of all elements in a union should be same?

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