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Python Tkinter Menubutton Widget

In this tutorial, we will cover the Tkinter Menubutton widget in Python which is used to create a dropdown menu which can be clicked by the user to see the

  • This widget is used to provide various types of menus in the Python Application.

  • It is important to note that every Menubutton in an application is associated with a Menu widget and that in return can display the choices for that menubutton whenever the user clicks on it.

  • The Tkinter Menubutton widget provides the user with an option to select the appropriate choice that exists within the application.

Tkinter Menubutton Widget

The syntax of the Tkinter Menubutton widget is given below:

W = Menubutton(master, options)   

In the above syntax, the master parameter denotes the parent window. You can use many options to change the look of the menubuttons and these options are written as comma-separated key-value pairs.

Tkinter Menubutton Widget Options:

Following are the various options used with Tkinter Menubutton widgets:

Option name Description
activebackground This option indicates the background color of the menubutton at the time when the mouse hovers the menubutton.
bd This option is used to represent the width of the border in pixels. The default value is 2 pixels.
bitmap This option will be set to the graphical content which is to be displayed to the widget.
bg This option is used to represent the background color of the widget.
cursor This option indicates the cursor when the mouse hovers the menubutton.
activeforeground This option mainly represents the font color of the widget at the time when the widget is under the focus
fg This option represents the foreground color of the widget.
direction With the help of this option, you can specify the direction so that menu can be displayed to the specified direction of the button. You can Use LEFT, RIGHT, or ABOVE to place the widget accordingly.
disabledforeground This option indicates the text color of the widget when the widget is disabled
height This option indicates the height of the menubutton. This height indicates the number of text lines in the case of text lines and it indicates the number of pixels in the case of images.
image This option indicates the image displayed on the menubutton.
higlightcolor This option indicates the highlight color when there is a focus on the button
justify This option is used to indicate the way by which the multiple text lines are represented. For left justification, it is set to LEFT and it is set to RIGHT for the right justification, and CENTER for the center justification.
padx This option indicates the additional padding of the widget in the horizontal direction.
pady This option indicates the additional padding of the widget in the vertical direction.
menu This option is used to indicate the menu associated with the menubutton
width This option specifies the width of the widget. For textual buttons, It exists as a number of letters or for image buttons it indicates the pixels
Wraplength In this case, if this option's value is set to a positive number, the text lines will be wrapped in order to fit within this length.
state As the normal state of menubutton is enabled.It can be set to disable to make the menubutton unresponsive.
text This option is used to indicate the text on the widget.
textvariable A control variable of class StringVar can be associated with this menubutton. If you will set that control variable then it will change the displayed text.
underline This option is mainly used to represent the index of the character in the text of the widget which is to be underlined. The indexing generally starts with zero in the text.
relief This option is used to specify the border type. Its default value is RAISED

Tkinter Menubutton Widget Example

Now let us see a code snippet for the Tkinter Menubutton widget:

from tkinter import *
import tkinter

win = Tk()

mbtn = Menubutton(win, text="Courses", relief=RAISED)
mbtn.grid() = Menu(mbtn, tearoff = 0)
mbtn["menu"] =

pythonVar = IntVar()
javaVar = IntVar()
phpVar = IntVar()"Python", variable=pythonVar)"Java", variable=javaVar)"PHP", variable=phpVar)


The output of the above code is as follows:

Tkinter menubtton example

You can try the above example by yourself. Whenever you will execute the above code, you will see there is a Tkinter menubutton named Courses on a window whenever you will click on it then it will show you a drop-down menu like this:

Tkinter menubtton example


In this tutorial, we covered the Tkinter Menubutton widget which is used to create drop-down menus in a Tkinter application.

About the author:
I like writing content about C/C++, DBMS, Java, Docker, general How-tos, Linux, PHP, Java, Go lang, Cloud, and Web development. I have 10 years of diverse experience in software development. Founder @ Studytonight