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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

The working code for this exercise is:

int main() {
char text[21];

fgets(text, 21, stdin);


return 0;
7 months ago
Here s the if code block:

let result;
if(y!=0) {
result = x / y;
console.log("Result: "+ result);
else {
console.log("Cannot divide a number by zero");

7 months ago
Try this code:
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
fmt.Println("Welcome to GO Course")
fmt.Println("We hope you like it")
8 months ago
Try this code:


int main() {

int dividend, divisor;

scanf("%d %d", ÷nd, &divisor);

(dividend / divisor > 0) ? printf("Completely divisible") : printf("Not completely divisible");
return 0;
8 months ago
The JavaScript code you provided is a simple loop that simulates taking a tea break. It iterates through the hours from 1 to 12 and calls a teaBreak function every 4 hours. Here's an explanation of the logic:

A function named teaBreak is defined. This function logs three messages to the console:
"Start making tea"
"Tea ready"
"Enjoy the tea"

A variable teaHour is declared but not initialized.

A for loop is used to iterate through the hours from 1 to 12, inclusive (teaHour starts at 1 and increments by 1 in each iteration).

Within the loop, there's an if statement that checks whether the current teaHour is a multiple of 4 (i.e., teaHour % 4 == 0). This condition is true when the hour is 4, 8, or 12.

If the condition in the if statement is true (i.e., the current hour is a multiple of 4), the teaBreak function is called. This means that a tea break is taken every 4 hours.

function teaBreak(){
console.log("Start making tea");
console.log("Tea ready");
console.log("Enjoy the tea");

let teaHour;

for(teaHour=1; teaHour<=12; teaHour++)
if(teaHour%4 == 0)
8 months ago
Ques:  8/1
try this code:

int main() {

float a = 10.01;

printf("The address of a is %d", &a);

return 0;
8 months ago
You can run the code by clicking "Run"
8 months ago
If you want to go to next lesson, first run the code and click submit. You will find the next buTton when your code is right.
8 months ago
what level and lesson you need help with?
8 months ago
What level, lesson you need help with?
8 months ago
You should be able to write in the Editor.

You can get in touch with our support by sending in WhatsApp on number +919354261828. You can share a screenshot or may be a screen recording so that we can help you.
8 months ago
Please provide level and lesson id, you need help with.
8 months ago