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MAY 17, 2023

Introduction to CentOS and its Features

    CentOS is released on September 24, 2019, is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. However, CentOS and Red Hat are a little different, CentOS gives developers and system people give a chance to run the Red Hat as its developing OS.

    CentOS sits above fedora, getting its packages from fedora. With Fedora, you will run with a fixed release operating system that releases what every eight-month, but CentOS updates itself automatically. In this way, the CentOS stream is going to roll with the changes from fedora.

    Upgraded features of CentOS

    Let's take a look at CentOS features:

    1. Community

      CentOS group had developed an infrastructure to support the newly introduced OS. Developers and system administrators widely used it, as it provides full control of its highly customizable open-source packages. It is stable, and it has a large and active community behind it to support which at any instance and will be available at all times.
    2. Reliability

      It has become a popular choice for server operating systems because of its reliability. The new CentOS is highly reliable, having no sort of failures.
    3. Upgraded security

      To ensure data protection the CentOS team has additional security features like open SSL 1.1.1 which are available in the latest release this also contains TLS 1.3. It has the filter graphic protection of all your data, as well as your clients' data.
    4. Upgraded packages

      The yum package manager provides support for modular content and the increased performance and a well-designed stable API for tooling integration. The recent version of yum 2 is based on the DNF technology that ensures the installation of software.

      It released with rpm 4.14 which differs from the previous rpm. With this, we can build packages in parallel and at an increased speed. This supports value or boolean dependencies, and also for packaging files.

    How to Download CentOS

    Here are the steps how we can download CentOS official ISO image:

    1. Go to your browser and type CentOS,
    2. Open their official website and go to download. You can see the versions available for download.
      You can select the mirror link as well. If you want to know which ISO suits your window, click on the read me the option that was available there, this gives you the current version of the OS you are using.
    3. Click on the link that you want to download, and the download will start, and this might take some time to download the file.

    How to Install CentOS

    During installation, there will be many stages. Whether you're installing CentOS on bare machine or on virtual machine. You can follow the below steps once you enter the CentOS installation menu

    1. Select install CentOS. Press the enter key to begin the installation.
    2. Select the language you want to proceed with and click on continue, you need to wait for a few minutes, click on date and time, select your region and set the date and time, now click on done.
    3. Click software selection, here you can find various base environments, select the one you want, here you can also select any add-ons if you need.
    4. Click on done, now select the installation destination. Here you need to select a disk where the installation will be done. Click on done…
    5. Now you need to click on network and hostname and then enable the Ethernet adapter, this will be configured automatically.
    6. If you need to configure it in another way, click on configure, then click on done.
    7. That’s it, now we are ready to go. Click on begin installation, click on root password, and set a password. Click on user creation and create a user with a password, this installation might take a lot of time.
    8. After we have successfully installed OS, click on reboot, click on license information, accept the license and click on done, click on finish configuration, click next for thrice.
    9. After the process click uses CentOS Linux, check if the internet is working, and also see if the host and virtual machine use the same clipboard. Now create a file on the host and paste it into the virtual one.

    Here you go… now the CentOS is ready to use


    The article gives you a brief about CentOS, its history of evaluation, its additional features, and how to install CentOS on your PC. Hope you like this article.
